Why fill out the profile?

The more company information you enter in the Yango for Business account, the easier it is for users to find your company on Yango for Business. If all the required sections in the profile are filled in, the Verified icon appears in your business card.

You can check your company card's completion percentage on the company page. To make a card more complete, add photos or list additional services your company provides. After all the required sections in the card are filled in, the widget with suggestions will no longer appear in the account.

Setting up notifications

On the Notifications page, you can subscribe to different messages from the service, including notifications about user changes in the company card.

How do I change information if a business moves?

If your business moved within the city:

  1. On the company page, go to About the business → Data and change the business address or move the placemark on the map to the correct location.

  2. Check the new address and select Moving. If you want to keep the photos and reviews at the old address, uncheck the appropriate checkboxes.

  3. Click Save. The company card at the new address is created automatically.

    If you agreed to transfer the photos and reviews, they are added to the company card at the new address.

On Yango Maps, the business at the old address will be shown with the “Moved” status. You can't change the information in the card at the old address.

A business has the "Shut down" status

A business is published on Yango Maps with the “Shut down” status if, according to our data, it has been closed or moved.

If your business is operational, you can change its status. To do this, go to About the business → Data → Business hours → Current status and select the “Working” status. Or find your business on Yango Maps, click Edit information, and choose “Working” in the Status field. The status of the business will change after the data is checked.

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