Business rating
Business rating is a value from 1 to 5 that is calculated using scores and reviews left by Yango Maps users.
The rating helps customers choose between similar companies. The higher your rating among competitors, the higher the probability that users will choose your company.
Ratings are for reference only and show users' opinions about their experience with a particular business.
How ratings are compiled
Visitors to your company leave reviews and give scores in Yango Maps and in Search. The maximum score is 5 points. A business should have from 3 to 5 user scores to be rated.
The company's rating can't be higher than 4.3 until it has more than 5 user scores. For example, even if the company has five user scores of 5 points, its rating is 4.3. Such approach helps to keep the competition fair. A few high user scores for a new company aren't equal to a hundred high user scores for a company that's been operating for a longer time. If a new company continues to get good reviews, its rating grows.
The rating in Yango Maps and in Yango for Business is compiled independently from other Yango services.
The rating is not equal to the average value of all scores.
Each score is analyzed using an algorithm. The analysis takes into account multiple factors. The most important are:
Influence: How the user rated companies before. If they've already written reviews, always given a score of 5, and gave a new business a score of “4”, the algorithms understand that upsetting them is quite the challenge. Their score will impact the business rating more than if they had given it a five.
Reliability: Whether the user has given scores before as well as how many. If they have given scores to multiple businesses, their score has more value. If the user is leaving a review for the first time, their score has less value.
Sometimes users are asked to compare two similar businesses they've visited. Those comparisons are also taken into account when calculating the rating.
There's no overall chain rating. The rating is calculated separately for each branch.
Where the rating is displayed
All ratings are recalculated every day, and it takes time to update them.
Users see the rating in the following services:
In the company profile in Yango Maps.
The business owner can see the current business rating and the number of new reviews in their Yango for Business account. To check them out, open About the business → Reviews → Visitors rated.
Rating changes
Rating dynamics
Ratings move up and down. If a user gives your business a negative score, your rating decreases, while it increases with positive scores.
Why your rating may have decreased
Users gave you negative scores without leaving reviews.
A user deleted or reduced their score.
The reliability of users who left reviews for your company decreased.
A positive review didn't pass moderation after the publication rules changed and was deleted.
How to improve your business rating
The value changes on a regular basis as new reviews and ratings appear. To increase your business rating:
Make it easier for users to leave reviews. For example, provide customers with free Wi-Fi at your business location and enter your business details in Yango for Business: business hours, website, and phone number.
Encourage your customers to submit scores and reviews in your company card.
Respond to negative reviews. That proves you care about your customers' opinions and are always ready to listen.
The company had a rating that was displayed in the card, but now it's gone
Ratings are hidden when:
The company moves. A new rating will be built.
The business belongs to a category where the rating isn't important when choosing a company. For example, parking lots, public transport stops, and other social facilities. But that doesn't mean users can't still leave reviews.
Categories where the rating isn't displayed
Agricultural infrastructure
Aid collection point
Air transport management and maintenance
Airport terminal
Animal enclosure
Arbitration court
Art object
Associations and industrial unions
Baggage carousel
Bicycle parking
Border crossing
Cash register
Certification of products and services
Chamber of commerce and industry
Charging sockets
Charitable foundation
Children's ambulance
Children's playground
Christmas tree reception point
City telephone network
Civil defense
Coat check
Coin machine
Collection agency
Communications agency
Community group
Community policing center
Community trust
Company office
Construction expertise and technical supervision
Consumer cooperative
Consumer protection
Correctional institution
Council of deputies
Currency declaration point
Customs control zone
Customs warehouse
Dance floor
Decorative object, wall of fame
Department of corrections
Design bureau
Dog park
Drinking galleries and springs
Education management
Emergency assembly point
Emergency call desk
Emergency contact point
Emergency medical service
Emergency service
Embassy, consulate
Employment center
Engineering infrastructure
Entrance sign
Environmental organization
Exercise grounds, workout area
Farewell hall
Fitting room
Fire departments and stations
Forensic medical examination
Forest park
Garbage collection area
Gas supply service
Graves of famous people
Handicapped restroom
Heat supply
Helicopter pad
High-speed transport station exit
High-speed urban transport station
Homeless shelter
Horticultural associations and cooperatives
Housing cooperative, non-commercial horticultural partnership
Housing department
Ice crossing
Immigration office
Impound lot
Industrial infrastructure
Infant feeding center
Information stand
Insurance policy issue point
Inter-regional examination department
International organization
Investigative committee
Justice of the peace
Laundry area
Luggage service
Luggage storage
Management office
Medical and social assessment
Mental health and psychosocial support
Metro station
Military commandant office
Military enlistment office
Minibus stop
Ministries, agencies, public services
Mother and child room
Multifunctional public service center
Nuclear power plant, hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant
Non-passenger station
Oversized baggage check-in
Oversized baggage claim
Online store office
Other cash registers
Parking area
Parking lot
Pass office, security post
Passport and migration services
Passport control
Patent services
Payment terminal
Pension fund
Point of sale
Police station
Political party
Polling stations
Post office
Prosecutor's office
Public legal information center
Public organization
Public transport stop
Public transport ticket office
Power supply
Phytosanitary, veterinary control
Radiation monitoring
Railway management and maintenance
Railway station
Railway station exit
Railway terminal
Reception desk
Recreation infrastructure
Registration chamber
Religious association
Research and development facility
Research institute
Restroom, WC
Road construction and repair
Sanitary and epidemiological service
Satellite communications operator
Sea and river terminals
Seaplane base
Security checkpoint
Self-driving car stop
Self-regulating organization
Separate waste collection
Service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Smoking area
Social insurance fund
Social rehabilitation
Social service
Sociological research
Sports association
Sports ticket office
Spring, brook
Stadium block
Standardization and metrology
State security service
State supervision bodies
Station attendant
Statistical organization
Street art
Sunday school
Tax office
Taxi desk
Taxi stand
Technical inventory bureau
Telecommunications organization
Toll collection point
Traffic police
Traffic police post
Trade union
Trolley parking
Trolleybus station
Tram station
Tram stop
Transport infrastructure
Urban transport management and maintenance
Veterinary and sanitary inspection laboratory
Waterway management and maintenance
Water supply, water services
Wheelchair rental
The company card was published just recently. It could take several days to fully update the information, so you might need to wait a little longer.
If the rating should already be displayed for your company, please contact support.
There are no new scores, but the rating dropped
When calculating the rating, the influence of each review is taken into account. It could be that the reliability of the users who left reviews for your company decreased, which would explain the dip.
My business gets good scores, but our rating isn't increasing
The higher the rating, the more difficult it is to increase it. Once multiple good scores are left, your rating might increase.
A negative review was deleted, but the rating hasn't changed
All ratings are recalculated every day, but it takes some time to fully update them in the services.
If the value of the review was low, for example, because that was the only review that user had ever left, the rating may only change slightly. Once multiple good scores are left, your rating might increase.
How to delete a rating
If you don't match the conditions for automatically hiding a rating (see "The company had a rating that was displayed in the card, but now it's gone"), you can't remove it. Follow our recommendations to improve your rating.