Publication rules
We don't publish reviews that violate our rules. To pass moderation, your review:
1. Must describe your personal experience
What matters in a review is your experiences and impressions. We won't publish a review that describes someone else's experience. For example, this review would be rejected by moderators: “A friend of mine says they don't give you the full weight at this store. I don't recommend shopping there”.
2. Must be precise
If you want to write a review about a chain with multiple branches, go to Yango Maps and find the branch you visited.
We don't publish reviews that describe the overall experience of interacting with the entire chain.
3. Shouldn't describe your experience working for the company
Most people read reviews as potential customers rather than employees.
4. Shouldn't contain ads or spam
We delete reviews that contain ads. For example, if a text names brands, products, or services and encourages readers to buy them.
Don't write about or compare the company's competitors. For example: “The muffins are fine, but Sam Gamgee's rabbit stew is better. Check it out”.
If a user publishes a lot of advertising comments, we may block their account.
5. Must be real
We consider reviews to be fraudulent if the author hasn't interacted with the business and wrote a review in exchange for payment or at the request of their friends. We won't publish reviews like that.
Don't write a review if you're offered a discount for it or asked to show the text at checkout. Reviews like that aren't objective and don't help other users, which is why we don't publish them.
6. Shouldn't contain cruelty or discrimination
Don't publish text or images that may cause strong negative feelings like horror, panic, or disgust.
Don't use words, phrases, or images that may be considered discrimination on religious, ethnic, or any other grounds.
Don't threaten people or call for violence in comments.
7. Shouldn't include any adult content
We delete reviews that contain erotic or pornographic text or images or scenes of smoking.
If you're an owner of a company, read about reviews in the Manage reviews section.